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Global account information
  • Username: Jack57P22425
  • Registered: ٠٣:٣٣, ٢٢ مٔیی ٢٠٢١ (۳ years ago)
  • Total edit count: ۰
  • Number of attached accounts: ۳
  • Locked: yes
This account is locked. See the global account details on Meta-Wiki for more details.
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ks.wiktionary.org٠٣:٣٣, ٢٢ مٔیی ٢٠٢١new account(?)Blocked indefinitely.
Reason: Spambot (Global sysop action)
  • editing (sitewide)
  • account creation disabled
login.wikimedia.org٠٣:٣٣, ٢٢ مٔیی ٢٠٢١created on login(?)۰
meta.wikimedia.org٠٣:٣٣, ٢٢ مٔیی ٢٠٢١created on login(?)۰خاص:CentralAuth/Jack57P22425 پؠٹھٕ اِستِمال کۄٚرمُت